Thursday, September 3, 2009

Today is finally here!

I've arrived in Barcelona! After two long flights, Maureen( step-mom), dad and I are in the city of Gaudi and paella. We landed at 8:30 AM and started out on our day by checking into Maureen and dad's hotel. All three of us were excited to take a shower and change our clothes. Afterwards, we took a taxi to the dorms "Residencia Erasmus Gracia" The building is just for graduate students and there are over 100 rooms apparently. Back at the hotel the concierge said the location of the dorms is in one of the most desirable parts of the city. Which is true, the surrounding streets are filled with cute shops, restaurants and apartments with beautiful balconies. Where I'm staying however is truly a dorm. I've never lived in a dorm with a roommate, so we will have to see how this goes : ) Speaking of roommates, for the next 3 1/2 months I will be living with Debbie from Taiwan. She flew in today with the other 13 students from Taiwan. We haven't had a chance to talk yet, but we both agree that we will need another closet. I've run into a few people in the program, but Saturday night is the programs orientation with a tour of the city and dinner to follow. I am excited to meet everyone and find out where they are from. Well, I'm off to bed.. let's hope jet lag doesn't set in. Oh ya! I have uploaded Skype, so if anyone wants to talk, this is my username: katenice27 . Barcelona is 9 hours ahead of California so the best time to talk is around 1 PM or 11 PM pacific standard time. Good night!

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